Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day...

Go Obama! What a great day yesterday was (what ever your political views). History was made and I found myself being captivated & inspired watching the inauguration process. I was especially inspired by President Obama's call to services check out how you can get involved in your community: One of my favorite quotes, "be the change you want to see in the world".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brian the Ice Fisherman...

On Saturday Brian and Dusty went out bright and early to ice fish for the 1st time in Northern Michigan!
They went out to Arbutus Lake and after quite of few hours of no fish..they finally hit the fish jackpot!

They came back to fillet the fish...about 15 in all!

Here are Dusty and Brian with their fish...they plan to go out again so that we will have enough fish for a fish fry!

Snowshoe hike...

Saturday morning I met some girl friends to go for a snowshoe hike and then breakfast....

We went hiking behind the commons..where Brian's office is.

It was a beautiful day and made it a fun workout...

And we still have lots of snow!

The girls...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Northern Michigan fun with Lee & Sally...

Brian & Lee wanted to sweat out their "day after new years" by taking a little wintery run!
Then we went on a wine tour of the Old Mission Peninsula!

Then we headed out to Glen Arbor for the weekend....

We showed Lee and Sally how to hunt for Petoskey was a little chilly :)

Sally and I at Lake Michigan...

Then we headed to our favorite watering hole in Glen Arbor..Art's!

Art's looked like Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation with all the lights!

Saturday we got up and went skiing!!

Macare and Dusty hitting the slopes...

The view from the hills over Lake Michigan...

Lee and Sally heading up the chairlift...

Brian was ready to carve some radical turns on the slopes!

The boys...
What a great weekend visit! Thanks Lee and Sally for coming to see us!!

Lee & Sally Visit TC for New Years!!!

New Years 2008 brought Lee & Sally Heckman coming to visit us!! We celebrated New Years with a yummy Lobster dinner with Macare & Dusty too....
Then we headed down to the Opera House for a New Years Eve party...
It was a ton of fun...
Lee and Sally got to meet a few of our TC friends...
Then it was midnight and a new years kiss..
hehe..cute guys!

Happy New Year!!!

What a fun night!