Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last Ski Weekend of the Year!

This past weekend we went up to Boyne Highlands to spend the weekend with friends: BW3's, MSU Spartan game, skiing and Odawa Casino!

The wings were great and the Spartans won!!

Then we spent the day skiing and tailgating!
It was a beautiful sunny day! Jenna, Kate, me, & Mackenzie

Thinking spring?! With lots of snow still left...

One last hurrah! Spring here we come!

Our friends had a ski can see the race below.

The group below...

Our beautiful spring ski weekend turned into...

winter is back! When we woke on Sunday morning we had a fresh 6 inches of snow! With more to come overnight! ughh..Spring in Northern Michigan

Our first winter of skiing was so fun! But we are ready to put the skis away for the season and break out the bikinis for Summer!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

LGT heads to Lansing...

Brian & I headed down to Lansing last week with our LGT group for State Government Day!

It was an interesting day trip..we learned a lot about state issues!

Mackenzie & I at the capital...

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This little fur ball is Sophie our friends dog...

This week we are watching her while her mom is in Mexico...

We have never had a small dog and are learning it is quite funny...she LOVES to: cuddle with you, always sit on your lap (hence the lap dog), sleep, cuddle, walk and stick her head out the window while you drive...

This is Sophie in heaven! And us was in the 50s today and you would have thought it was 100! We had the windows down to smell and feel the spring air!

Oh and she will only sleep at night if she is under the covers with you..hehe!

St. Patty's Day 2009

On Saturday we celebrated St. Patty's Day by heading down to the Hibernian parade...

hehe..we were dressed in our green!

the Hibernians...

Before we headed to the parade we had traditional Irish food at our house...

The group...

My parents & their friends...

Irish Car bombs...

Irish lamb stew and we also had corn beef & cabbage too...

Irish soda bread...

And Shamrock sugar cookies...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Brian's 29th Bday Celebrations...

On Saturday we went to the annual Suds & Snow (beer tasting and snow shoe event)!

The girls in the beer tent...

Brian and I getting warm by the fire...
It was a great time....

The girls & guys all bundles up and sipping some brews...

Before we headed out Brian & I hosted a little pre-party & birthday celebration...

The birthday boy blowing out his 29 candles..look at those flames & smoke!

On Brian's "real" Birthday we headed out to Crystal Mountain to go skiing...

This is him ready to head down a hill called "Wipe Out"! :)

At work that day his staff held a yummy birthday lunch in his honor! :)

It was a great birthday week!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthday Boy Turns 29!

Happy 29th Birthday Brian!! I hope you have a special day!
I love you, Katie

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun with Will & Lauren...

This past weekend Brian & I met up with our friends Will & Lauren! It was GREAT to see them and just catch up!
Bowling, pedicures for Lauren & I, college, yummy dinner, piano bar, great friends = FUN!