Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Labor Day '09...

Labor Day weekend brought Brian & I going in two different directions. He headed to the annual M&M golf weekend with his fraternity brothers...they are in the picture above at a Pirates Game- the Sid Bream Fan Club..hehe.

I spent the weekend with girl friends in Northern Michigan..here we are above celebrating Jenna's birthday!

It was a great weekend capping off a great summer!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Polasek's Visit 2009...

The last weekend in August the Polasek's came to visit!

Friday during the day it was nice enough for the kids to go to the beach. Emily, Macy and Nolan loved playing in the sand & water.

Uncle Brian taking a walk down the beach with Nolan...

After I got off work the clouds rolled in..we decided to go put-put golfing anyway! Brian, Macy, Emily & Jason all got holes in one on the same hole!

The I got one!

And Brian & Christy got one..

After, we came home..grilled out and then the rain made us "grill" our smores rather than over the fire as planned...

still happy campers....

Then on Saturday it rained all day...I thought for sure we would be going 2 by 2 to Noah's Ark..instead we headed to the mall to ride the carousal!

The kids where so excited...

We also went to the local children's museum...Nolan trying to eat the pretend food :) hehe...

Emily in front of the USS Emily!

Macy on the slide...

At the water table..all the kids loved this!

Making kites at the art table...

Then my parents came over to babysit for the night...the girls getting ready for a wagon ride to McDonald's for happy meals!

Nolan's ready too...

And there off....

And Christy, Jason, Brian and I headed to Beer Fest!

Christy & Jason...

Christy & my girlfriends...too fun!!

We had to stop and get a picture with this thing..between trips to get more cider!

Christy & Brian being funny!

It was a great weekend despite the rain rain rain!!! So fun to have the Polasek's visit us!!! Love and miss them already!!