Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update to Our Patio Project:

So Brian & I decided to make a patio in our back yard this summer!
We decided to put it against the back fence and keep some of the landscaping that is already in place but to tear out the rest..this is Brian starting that project (I am MIA mulching the front yard landscaping)
This past weekend (after our visitors left) we recruited our neighbors Ben & Jenna for some dirt leveling fun!! The picture above will be the left side of that patio for sun chairs & the perfect tan! If you look on the right of the pic you will see the "step" down to the 2nd level below....
And this pictures is of the right side of the patio that will be the fire pit area and roasting smores!
Next up: we are ordering the rock/sand stuff and will be putting the pavers in soon! Check back!

Memorial Day Weekend: Day 2

Brian and Cindy on beach at Lake Michigan.
The second day Brian & I took them to one of our favorite spots: Sleeping Bear Dune National Lakeshore
This is Brian, Dave, and Rick going to the "edge" to see if they want to attempt the hike.
This is the hike down..and they will tell you this picture doesn't even do it justice!
Cindy & Dave on the shore of lake Michigan looking for Petoskey Stones.
Rick & Terri relaxing on the beach!

Our First Out of Town Visitors: Memorial Day Weekend 2008

Saturday Terri & Aunt Cindy watched Brian run the marathon. Rick and Uncle Dave went golfing. On our walk to the race to cheer on Brian we found these Alpaca!!
They were REALLY cute and one took a liking to Cindy! Cindy you made the blog! :)
After the marathon the guys decided to do a bar crawl downtown Traverse while the ladies shopped til we dropped or should I say stuffed from all the cherries, sweets and morsels we ate!
This is all of us regrouping with magaritas and mojitos @ a cute little place! After this pic we hit the casino and had a bbq in our backyard! It was a jam packed day!

Brian Run's the Bayshore Marathon: Memorial Day Weekend

Brian trained and ran the race with one our friends Macare!
Almost to the finish line!!
All done! And under 4 hours! Great Job!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

At the Driving Range with the Girls....

Macare and I practicing our swing!
The Golf Group

Monday, May 5, 2008

Our First Round of Golf of the Season

May 4th and Golfing!

We headed out to Crystal Mountain for a round of golf!

Day 1: Arriving in London

London here we are!
Brian & I front of the tower Bridge
We found Hall St. near Kevin's flat.

Day 2: Train to Scotland

We caught the early train to Edinburgh, Scotland
Brian in front of the Edinburgh Castle
And taking a break from exploring Edinburgh at a local pub.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 3: Our tour around Scotland Starts...

Our picnic at an old castle...
Brian & I Kevin jumped in Loch Ness-in search of "Nessie"
Another castle...
The sunset of the Isle of Sky

Day 4: Trekking around the Isle of Sky

Today we hiked around the Isle of Sky.
We hiked up to this peak, "The Old Man of Storr"
We were on the cliffs over looking the Atlantic Ocean & Irish Sea
Our hostel on the Isle of Sky

Day 5: Sky back to Edinburgh

Leaving the Isle of Sky and heading back to Edinburgh
We met Hamish the Hattiecoo..hehe

Day 6: Dublin Sightseeing

Brian & Kevin at the Bobby Post's at Dublin Castle
Here we are at Trinity College where we saw the Book of Kells
Having lunch outside on Grafton St. the main shopping street in Dublin
Kevin & I on Stephen's Green-the central park in Dublin

Day 7: Dublin Day 'o Guiness

Today we went to the Guiness Brewery

Sampled "freshly" brewed Guiness at the top of the brewery over looking Dublin Brian with an old barell. And Kevin & I with the Guiness "on our minds".