Sunday, February 22, 2009

Skiing at Nubs Nob...

Today Brian and I went up to Nubs Nob ski resort in Harbor Springs....

It was a great day to ski..a little chilly but sunny!

Brian had a day of firsts....he skied gates and also his 1st black diamond and it wasn't his last! awesome!

The funniest part of our day was Brian 1st black diamond attempt: I headed down first, nice and show him how its done. About halfway down I hear from behind me, "move babe!"..and then see Brian whiz by me! Lets just say it all ended in a cloud of snow at the bottom, I think I caught a glimpse of Brian skiing backwards at one point...lots of laughing and when the dust settled Brian aka the snowman covered in snow! I wish I had a picture....he redeemed himself on his 2nd black diamond one piece that is.
We ended the day watching the Spartans at the BW3's in Petoskey! A great day!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009...

Valentine's Day 2009 brought Brian & Dusty surprising Macare & I with a Leelanau wine tour for the day....
at Leelanau Cellars in Omena....

A great little spot...

a picture of the sweet hearts :)...

Brian & I: sweet hearts too!

At Gills Pier winery...

We ended the day stopping by the casino :) and trying a new middle eastern restaurant in town! It was a great day with our sweeties!

Valentine's Day Sweets & Treats...

I just wanted to share some crafty ideas I tried this Valentine's Day... Sweet "Nothings" Tea...
Lemon poppy seed pound cake with lemon glaze, yummy!

My home-made heart card...

Mrs. Doumanian's homemade sweet fudge sauce!

And yummy cupcakes baked by myself & my friend Kate! :)

And the center piece..with candles and floral arrangement! Thanks Mom!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Icy walk...

It has been unseasonably warm this weekend, at times 50 degrees and sunny...with the coming week of more "warmer" weather....and Brian and I were amazed at the ice fishermen we continued to see on the bay despite the melting ice & look of open water...
The dismantled dock in front of the Holiday Inn...

Brian testing the ice...its bay is still frozen in parts!

The dock again...

The ice meets the sand...

A look out over the bay. Past those 2 white chunks (2 pretty swans) is open water and past that were a clump of ice fishermen..crazy!

And if you thought you had a snow..check out this snow bank (with the building in the background)!

Sunny ski day...

Saturday we went out to the Homestead to help our friend Kara celebrate her 30th birthday! It was a GREAT day to ski! 45 degrees and sunny! It was also our first opportunity to try our new skis! Doesn't Brian look great?!

Mackenzie, Kara and me...

Brian and I over looking Lake Michigan...

The trio of skis...

Mackenzie & I..cute pic!

Brian on the tow-rope...

Our new skis!

Riding up the chair lift by myself...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Arts & Culture...

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life - Pablo Picasso

Today Brian & I participated in Arts & Culture Day for Leadership Grand Traverse....Brian earned his wings ;)

We visited the Dennos Museum where we got to play in the light room and distortion mirrors :)...Look at those eyes!

Hehe...what a smile!

Then we went out to Interlochen Arts Academy...this student was doing an art installation.

A pile of ideas or trash?

The beginning of paintings....paint.

The studio...

Then we headed to the costume department...

All the Converse...

All the colorful Tu-tu's!

These boots were made for walking...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Playboy of the Western World...

This past week Brian was in LA for work and had a fun filled trip in the mean time too! Check out his adventures....the Hollywood sign was out his hotel window!
A view of LA out the other window...

During the conference they shut down Universal Studio's Hollywood for the conferences guests..Brian had a great time riding the rides! They also got to see the back lots from Desperate Housewives!

Then the highlight of the trip was the closing night the PLAYBOY Mansion!!! Yes, that is right! It was hard work I am sure but someone had to do it! :)

Brian at the Grotto....hehe!!

A picture of the Grotto scene..

And finally...the Playboy bunnies..haha funny!

The Mansion game room...

Hef's picture in the game room..

Outside the Mansion...

A lion outside the Mansion..watching over all the Bunnies I am sure :)

The flamingos!

And a cute little monkey..he thought Brian had food!

The scene of the party! Pretty cool!

Enrico & Brian at the party....

There were a lot of athletes there but Brian got to meet Coco Crisp from the Boston Red Sox's & said he was a really nice guy!
It was a once in a lifetime trip! With lots of stories memories and fun stories to share!