Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Shower...

In September I was able to shower one of my dear friends Lindsay (who is expecting a little one later this month!) with the help from these two lovely ladies- Mollie & Macare!

We had a great time throwing the party! Here I am slaving away over our luncheon's salad! Yummy!

Lindsay was so fortunate to have so many ladies come celebrate the impending arrival! I am lucky enough to call a lot of these ladies friends too!

The hostess with Lindsay and baby A to be!
We can't wait to meet you little one!

Summer Revisited....

The other day I got these photos in my email inbox! It was a welcome surprise to see these summer pictures! I needed a sunny reminder!

Can't wait for summer to come~ wishful thinking as we brace for winter around the corner!

Oh how this little munchkin has changed in a few short months!

We love you summer- come back soon!!

Too cool for school :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Days in Northern Michigan...

It was a beautiful fall weekend! So we took a drive to the lighthouse at the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula....
A great opportunity to take some pictures..

Isabelle loves taking in new sites and sounds...

A funny face (she needed some sunglasses!)...

Our little family...

Daddy & Isabelle in front of the lighthouse...

Mommy & Isabelle on the shore of Lake Michigan...

Got to love self timer mode on the camera..

Daddy & Isabelle...

Daddy, Isabelle and the lighthouse...

Then we headed to Fishtown for a little lunch @ the Cheese Shanty!

Isabelle at Fishtown...

Happy little girl!

Eating Sophie...

A kiss for my baby!


Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend in Cleveland...

This weekend I spent time with Brian's family in Cleveland!
Bottling beer @ the Brew Kettle
(a make your own beer bar!)
Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop

"the falls" in Chagrin Falls

Had the most amazing ice cream at Jeni's...
(a Columbus based ice cream store)

Isabelle on a raft in Matt & Kim's pool...

She was kicking like crazy...

Isabelle & Krista...

Pooped after a long day playing with family! Asleep in Grandma's arms...

And on the way home we stopped at the famed Tony's...
we ordered the BLT :)