Sunday, June 29, 2008

Patio Project Update: COMPLETE!!

Our patio is complete! Brian and I can hardly believe it! And are SO proud! Manual labor is HARD! This was Brian during our last trip to Lowes...trying to help out by putting the cart back for someone...I think he just wanted a free ride!
View of the patio from our deck...
The edging we did around the landscaping..
Our patio!!!
The sun deck above....
And the fire pit area...

We are so happy with how it turned out!! Thanks to Ben & Jenna for all their help along the way we couldn't have done it with out you!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Patio Project Update: #5

We finally got the second "upper" patio base layed. It is looking great!
Here you can see the stone we used and the lower patio below with walls around it...
We are having more stones delivered on Friday and hope to have it finished then!! Almost done!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Patio Project Upate: 4

On Sunday after our visitors left we got back to work on our patio project!
Look how much we did! Half way done! Thanks to the help of our neighbors Ben & Jenna!


Here are some candid photos I took this weekend of Emily, Macy and Nolan, that I LOVE!
Look at those eyes.... Sisters....
Crazy glasses....
Curly cue hair....
Little man....
Look at those eye lashes...
Nolan..always smiling...

Visit Day 2: Fun in the Sun again!

Another beautiful day! While Brian & Jason went golfing Christy & I took the kids to the park just down the street from us! What fun they had!
The green swing was a hit with Macy & Nolan

Emily loved the slide!
Macy and Emily braved the merry-go-round! At a dizzying speed!

They loved climbing on the train structures! They are good climbers!

Then we met back up with the guys for a picnic

All of us in front of the TC 2008 flower bed at the Open Space

Before our BBQ everyone went over to Enrico's to jump on the trampoline! Look how much fun was had!! And no one was hurt-a couple close calls, but only laughter was had!

Then my Dad took Emily for a ride in his "roof-less" car as she calls it! She LOVED it!! And SO did my Dad! He said she couldn't stop talking to him the entire time! :)

Sisters :)

Enjoying our first bonfire in the back yard after dinner-since the patio is still a work in progress we had it on the grass!

Everyone loved making smores..especially Emily and Macy..can you tell??


Brian showing Emily how to roast the perfect marshmellow

I got every one starter with their stick & marshmellow..

It was a GREAT day!! and a GREAT weekend! Come back and visit us SOON!!

The Polasek's Visit!!!

The weather was gorgeous Friday! So as soon as Christy, Jason, Emily, Macy & Nolan arrived Brian took them to the beach!
Everyone got their feet wet....and by the time it was ready to leave Emily & Macy where ready to dive right in!

Everyone loved the beach, as you can see by there soaking wet clothes & smiles! I met everyone at the beach after work..and found some soaking wet kids! Too fun!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Boston Day 3: Steve Camp's Wedding

Saturday night we celebrated with Steve & KC as they got married!
The bride & groom below with us! What a gorgeous wedding & beautiful couple!
A perfect end to a GREAT weekend in Boston!

Boston Day 2: Duck Tour & Sightseeing

Brian, Chris and I took a "Duck" tour around Boston on Saturday. We saw all the sites! It was a great way to see the city!
Brian and I on the "duck". It was a WWII land/see truck that could be used as a boat or vehicle.
Ross & Jess showed Brian & I around the city too! We took the ferry over from Charleston to Bosot Harbor, then ate dinner in the North End, the "Little Italy" of Boston! It was GREAT!
Then we went out and enjoyed Boston's night life..a Phi Psi Reunion.