Monday, September 22, 2008

MSU vs. ND tailgate.................

This past weekend Brian & I kicked off MSU Football season with a tailgate for the MSU vs. ND game!
Our ND friends came in town: newlyweds Libby & Jeremy Pearson and Shannon & Kevin too!
Libby and I started the game in the very top row..nose bleed section
It was a white out.....
Then we moved down to sit with make sure Jeremy and Brian weren't getting in any trouble!!
Brian & I....

group photos...Libby, Jeremy and us..a little divided in school spirit! The MSU family..Brian & I and Shannon & Kevin
One of the best parts of the day was finding this LARGE can of Rotel for Libby!! She was in HEAVEN to say the least..and they also had samples of course!!
And last but not least..Brian's new MSU foam finger!! it is great!!!

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