Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Year in Review

I tend not to focus on the past all too often. In fact, more often than not, my entire focus is on the future. I refuse to be stagnant, and worrying about yesterday or last week is wasteful. That said, I do keep a steady grasp on where I have been in order to have perspective and in order to charter the course for where I am going. While 2009 is already on my mind, here is a look back at the far from all-inclusive "shapers" of 2008:

1. Katie and I took our first major vacation to Europe together (along with Kevin) and discovered our mutual love for travel, new experiences, and time together.
2. I ran another marathon, but more memorably, ate pizza and drank beer with my Dad and Uncle Dave after and gambled at the casino that night with Terri and Cindy. Good times.
3. I practiced law for a full year and loved it. I am reminded daily why it is called "practice," because I am far from perfect, but learning and growing daily. My travels to both the east and west coasts for mediations, my first trial, and management of a practice highlight the start of my career.
4. Katie and I started golfing together, along with the McClatchey family.
5. We upgraded our house and yard (i.e. new basement, new patio, etc.).
6. We experienced Mackinac Island together, after I caught fish (and a buzz) in Canada.
7. Katie and I got to share in Leadership Grand Traverse and learn more about our community, our leadership strengths and weaknesses, and our potential to truly shape our and others' futures.
8. Katie lost her job, and it has allowed us to appreciate all that we have that much more. Katie is a trooper, and given the right opportunity, she will excel far beyond what she could have in her prior situation. Perspective!
9. We babysat three boys while housesitting and learned a great deal about our relationship and eachother. Katie is going to be a fantastic mom.
10. We celebrated Thanksgiving in Tampa, and had some long overdue quality time with my Mom and Don.
11. We enjoyed Christmas in Goodrich with the my family (including my favorite Emily, Macy, and Nolan) and in TC with Katie's family.
12. We completed our first full year living in TC, in our home, on a street that continues to fill with our friends.

As always, there were ups and downs. I accomplished many of my goals, but fell short in other ways that will motivate me into 2009. Fortunately, as it stands on December 31, 2008, I am healthy, gainfully employed (which is an accomplishment for someone who spent 7 years in college), married to the love of my life, and continue to be blessed with the best of family and friends.

I have already written down my goals for 2009. Have you? Keep in mind new year's resolutions last for a year, goals can last for a lifetime.

All the best in 2009,


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