Monday, June 29, 2009

Charlevoix to Bay Harbor Bike Ride...

Saturday Brian & I hopped in our car and drove North for an impromptu bike ride! We started in downtown Charleviox and biked to Bay Harbor! It ended up being a 30 mile bike ride!

The view along the bike path..looking out over Little Traverse Bay & Lake Michigan

There were a lot of people biking the path because it was a beautiful day...

Along the way there was a tunnel...

When we finally got to Bay Harbor we stopped at bar for some drinks & apps.

Took in the view of Bay Harbor, the boats and the HUGE houses...

Dream houses....

The Classic car & boat show were going on...

One of my favorite classic boats...
Then..we had to bike back! It was a great day, but we were SO tired by the time we got home! We capped it off with a stop at a local burger joint..after 30 miles of biking we thought we deserved it!

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