Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July 2009...

This year for 4th of July our friends Jeff & Kate invited us out for boating, grilling out and a bonfire....
The weather was a beautiful! Brian and the guys....

Then at 3pm the lake had a 4th of July Parade...

All the boats dressed up in costume...here were the pirates!

Brian & I...

Jenna, Macare, Mackenzie & I...

Beautiful ladies again...

Linds & I...

Linds, Jenna, Dan, Mackenzie & Mike!

Brian, Jeff and Mike on the raft...

Kate, Linds and I...

Dustin & Brian...

The group of girls....

The lake at night....

The American Flag over the lake....

Mike & Brian...

The we got the sparklers out & fire works!

Linds, Macare & I...

Happy 4th of July!!!

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