Friday, August 20, 2010

4 Years, 30 something & Navel Oranges...

This past week was busy week at our house! We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary, my 30th birthday and at 14 weeks our little sweet pea is now the size of a navel orange!
For our anniversary and my birthday Brian whisked me away on a surprise vacation to Florida to meet up with our friends Kim & Chris! It was a fabulous time! We enjoyed pool time, a dip in the gulf for my 30th, spa time, golf, shopping and of course great company and good food! Oh and I can't forget the amazing nap I took on their hammock- it was heaven!
During our stay in Florida my first trimester ended and I am happily in the 2nd trimester! Fittingly- the little sweet pea is the size of a Florida Orange!
Stay tuned for pictures...anniversary, birthday and baby bump!

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