Wednesday, September 22, 2010

MSU tailgate & baby shower!

This past weekend my sister and cousin Ellina threw us a shower prior to the MSU vs. Notre Dame football game!
It was extra special because they threw it for us and my cousin Emily & husband Zach who are due with a little girl in December!
It was so fun to celebrate with a lot of my family members - even my 95 year old grandmother was able to come! They thought of all the details- decorations, cake and food!

The very cute cake!

And the sweet (and yummy) owl sugar cookies!

Baby Hall and Baby Hodge received so many wonderful things- even these cute little pink hats (my mom's wishful thinking for a little girl)!

Baby Hall of course received lots of cute little MSU things- like this little hat! Daddy was very excited!

Soon-to-be Mom & Dad!

One of the many special gifts we received- this one from my grandmother who sewed five little newborn hats for baby Hall and a beautiful blanket! So special!

Me with my Aunt Nancy, cousin Emily, my mom and Aunt Colleen!

Brian & Dad starting to tailgate!

The soon-to-be grandma's and mom's!

Emily & I
She has such a cute little bump!
Me on the other hand- I swear baby Hall is in there somewhere!
Emily, our Grandma McClatchey and I
What a fun day! And capped off by an MSU win over Notre Dame! Everyone was so happy!
Thank you again to our McClatchey family for making Brian, me and baby Hall feel so special and loved!
We can't wait to introduce baby Hall to the McClatchey clan!

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