Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Camping on S. Manitou Island...

This past weekend Brian and I were each toasting our friends during Bachelorette & Bachelor parties. Brian went off to celebrate with our friend Jeremy in Grand Haven, who is marrying Libby in September! And I went to S. Manitou Island to go camping with a bunch of girlfriends to celebrate Laura's upcoming wedding to Mike in 3 weeks!
We had to to an hour ferry ride over to S. Manitou Island and then once we were there had to hike a little less than a mile to our camp site with all our gear.
It is a really pretty island to visit even just for the day or camp overnight.
This is us in front of the lighthouse on the island. Spent the day on the beach and hiking around the island.
And then at night we spent toasting Laura and other shinanigans! It was a great trip! And luckily I escaped poison ivy free! Brian had a great trip too, enjoying all that Grand Haven and the Coast Guard festival had to offer! http://www.coastguardfest.org

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