Monday, August 25, 2008

Cedarville 2008.....

Cedarville 2008-the 4th Annual (1st for Brian & I).... Each year our friends go up the U.P. to spend the weekend together..playing Bochi Ball, boating, name it! It is all about being together and relaxing! Here are some pics:
Mike's grandparents are nice enough to have all 14 of us stay at their cottage in Cedarville-Anna, Jason and Skippy came over for the night to visit too!!

Brian even ventured into Lake Huron (brrrr!!) for a swim-but not with out Tricia & Deans noodle...Brian "accidentally" broke it but seems more practical at water wings was funny!

And then tubing.....the funniest story from the weekend....ask us about it :)

A cute picture of the girls and Mackenzie & I below...
The moon (which looks really small here) was really big and it was the perfect opportunity to get some funny pics around the campfire..this is me "flicking" the moon.
Brian & I....what a great weekend!!!

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