Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring is here...

Today, Friday, it was 78 degrees and sunny! And a beautiful spring day!

A few flowers have popped up in our yard...

And some more...

Then, I decided to start my garden! And use all the rocks we had dug up from our patio project last summer...

So I have 2 things growing in the garden right now(see above) a river birch and a big green thing (I think its a weed-but it keeps growing back like hey, it's a start!)

So in addition to the big green thing I am also planting: peppers, carrots, radishes, cucumber, peas, green beans, cherry tomato, summer squash, and salad greens!

Check back later this summer for an update!

1 comment:

Katie Hall said...

update: we also went today to the farmers market and got compost to add to the beds! We are now planting garlic, and green onions in addition to the other veggies I mentioned...looking forward to a bounty of home grown goodness later this summer!