Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wedding Shower...

This past weekend all the girls came together to celebrate our friend Macare's wedding shower!
The bride and I above..
My mom & I...Cute pic!

The whole group...a beautiful bunch of friends!

Tricia, Jenna, me, Mackenzie and Anna..

Cute picture with Kate & Laura

Jenna, Tricia, Kirsten, Mackenzie and I..

Kate & I..look very "Springy" in our colorful shirts!

Cute ladies!

The bridesmaids below..

Then we met up later at a local watering hole to watch the MSU game!

We cheered them to a win!

It was a great day to celebrate!

1 comment:

Jeremy & Libby Pearson said...

What a fun day! Wish I could have been there! Miss you all!