Sunday, June 6, 2010

Grow Garden Grow..round 2

This weekend we were busy working in our yard. And planted our garden!

Brian and I were excited to plant it again after our garden successes & failures last summer. But being our first time we learned a plan placement for sun, lots of water and a boost of help (not starting from seeds). Like look above- we are already ahead of the game with a little pepper growing! This was the size of our peppers at the end of last summer!

We bought to many plants so our garden is overflowing onto our deck! This year we planted: mint (for mojitos), rosemary (for cooking), cilantro (for salsa), thyme (for cooking), jalapenos, green peppers, yellow peppers, grape tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, and brussel sprouts!

Another pot of peppers that wouldn't fit in the garden- wish us luck! Hopefully we will have green thumbs this season and a bountiful harvest!

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