Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rome, Italy...

Our first stop on our Italian adventure was ROME!

It is a must see stop- so much history! Very, very old history!

Here Brian & I are in front of the Trevi Fountain! Where we made a wish to return to Italy again one day!

The ceiling of the Vatican was so pretty! It is an amazing place...

Our first glass of Italian wine! And the four of us together in Rome! Vicki, Don, myself and Brian!
The inside of the Colosseum!

Some columns left at the Roman Ruins...

Enjoying a sunny lunch in Piazza Navona...
We really enjoyed Rome and all the cultural sights to see. It is a must do if you go to Italy. We walked A LOT in Rome from seeing the ruins, to the Vatican city, from Piazza to Piazza! We saw it all!
Next stop..Florence!

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