Thursday, August 5, 2010

Valentines Day Preview....

Hi Friends & Family! The word is out...coming February 14th, 2011 Brian and I will welcome a little one into our lives!
We couldn't be more excited for this new addition and adventure to come!
Above, is a picture of little Hall! We had our first appointment and ultrasound. Baby Hall looks happy and healthy and was kicking the whole time! In the picture above the baby is sitting Indian style (left) with it's belly (middle), arms by its face and head (right)!
The gender of baby Hall will be a surprise to us & everyone until February but Brian and I both have our we shall see!
We can't thank you enough for all the well wishes we have received already! Baby Hall is most definitely loved and will be welcomed by the best family and friends!
We will keep you posted as the sweet pea grows, my belly grows and we get to the fun stuff like planning the nursery!
ps. Brian was sure to get Baby Hall his/her first onsie already- a MSU Spartan one :)

1 comment:

Dustin and Macare Lumbrezer said...

sooooo cute! i can't wait for little quinn to have a friend to play with... he or she is a lucky little one to have you both as parents!